MB Gemology is a complete gemology reference tool. This program gives you a detailed study about the gemstones which are most suitable for you based on your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and your Birth Month.
Gemstones have fascinated human beings since the ancient ages. Ornamental stones are collectively termed as Gemstones or Birthstones and all these minute, glittering stones possess certain attributes like their color, beauty, shape, rarity, durability. Apart from these properties, astral gems, with the help of their curative powers are also known to enhance the psychic abilities of a person and to waive off the malefic effects of planets if they are worn in the form of birth stones. Moreover, the birth stone should be set in the right metal and with the right weight. The reason for wearing it with the right metal and in right weight is, each gem, with its constant source of specific rays, gives rise to constructive vibrations that have therapeutic powers. Hence wearing your appropriate birth stone will always bring you good fortune, luck and prosperity.
MB Gemology is a freeware, and the best part lies in the fact that it can be administered within five to ten minutes. The program generates a reading for a person based on his personal details like his name, date of birth, time and also his place of birth.